Well I'm afraid I've not much to show you this week, its all been a bit dis jointed and I've been far from my usual organised self. I normally make on Mondays & Friday when my son is at nursery and Thursdays when I'm in the shop. However Monday was taken up with delivering far too many parcels (have I mentioned I am a DHL home courier on Mondays and Tuesdays ?) and then painting with yr 6 at my daughters school. Friday was more painting at school, supermarket and preparing for the arrival of my parents from France for the weekend. And then came Thursday where I went to the shop armed with things to do but I forgot my paint brushes !!!
I have however between moments of family life managed to get this plaque finished that I started last week. I am using up letters at the moment before ordering another full alphabet on ebay. I've chosen red because this seems to be THE colour for kitchens at the mo.
My other make (if I can claim it as that) is the painting I have been doing at school. Not sure if you remember my post ages ago where I told you all how I had been asked by the Head to come up with some sort of mural on the school hall wall. I was going to do the project with the 16 year 6 leavers. I took photographs of the school which in places is very old with ornate Victorian chimney pots, tiles, railings, doors etc and asked them to combine the features with their memories of the school and its 'best bits'. They worked really hard on the designing and decided on an abstract montage in the schools burgundy and gold colour scheme. Its not quite finished yet but here's where we are up to.
Am now a liker, I also have a FB page, link on my sidebar.
ReplyDeleteB xxx