For those of you that I haven't told I have been busy at my daughters school over the last 3 weeks painting artwork with the children to go in the newly decorated toilets. I was kind of nominated at a PTA meeting " ooh yeah ...........wouldn't some artwork look good, yeah, Jo can paint she does art and stuff that would be great" and there you go before I knew it I was given the job. I was tasked with an underwater theme for the boys and a garden theme for the girls on large 3ft by 2ft mdf boards with every child involved. Its been quite a hard thing to plan, organise and do as every child , all 74 of them, have painted their own little bit ( a fish, a flower, a bee etc.)
Despite the initial planning and the hours I have put in at home I have loved every minute of it and so have the kids and the results have amassed me. I had each child for a maximum of 30 mins and what they have achieved in such a small amount of time is great. I obviously did a lot too, I drew all the images out at the start and have re outlined them all at the end and I also painted all the backgrounds and done all the varnishing etc. Its been great and some have even sugessted I should approach other schools and get paid next time !
So I am afraid I am now going to bore you with the photos. I tried to just list a few but they are all so good and so much effort has gone in to them I have to include all.
The girls were much more controlled and calm, they took their time and really thought about it. Class 4 surprised me with their skill and again the detail was great. Class 2 only has 5 girls so they got a butterfly each and did a combination of paint, collage and glitter, the effect is great and their board is one of my favorites. The pink flower is my daughters and of course another favourite of mine it didn't seem right not to include a special close up shot of hers, not that I am proud or anything !
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